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Far too often, individuals participate in conversations without truly listening attentively. This lack of genuine listening can be frustrating for the person speaking, whether in a social setting or a sales environment, potentially impacting business relationships.

As a salesperson, it's crucial to convey to your potential customers that you are genuinely listening and comprehending their message. One effective technique for achieving this is through active listening. Active listening involves reflecting back to the speaker the message you've heard, allowing you to confirm or correct your understanding of their communication. This can be accomplished by asking questions or making statements that encourage the speaker to elaborate on your reflection.

There are two primary methods for reflecting the speaker's message: restatement and paraphrasing.

Restatement involves echoing the speaker's message using their own words. For instance, your spouse expresses frustration about their day, saying, "You wouldn't believe the day I've had. The phone was constantly ringing, my computer kept crashing, and I didn't even have time to eat lunch. I am not moving from this couch the rest of the night.” When you say "So you didn't even get to eat lunch, and you're not moving from the couch tonight. It sounds like you've had a rough day with all the phone calls and computer issues," that demonstrates active listening. Phrases like "It sounds like..." or "I hear you saying..." are intentionally tentative, inviting the speaker to confirm or clarify their message.

Paraphrasing, on the other hand, involves summarizing the speaker's message in your own words. For example, you might say, "It seems like you've had a busy day and just want to unwind tonight." Again, the statement should be followed by a pause, signalling openness for the speaker to provide feedback.

By employing active listening techniques, you demonstrate your attentiveness to the prospect's needs, fostering meaningful interactions that yield positive outcomes in sales interactions. You probably can see from this example how Sandler techniques can help with all parts of your life, not just business.

If you’d like to explore how you can get better at Active Listening, and you are based in Kent, Surrey, Hampshire, Berkshire or Sussex, please contact me at or 07866 518848

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